Thinking about homeschooling is particularly relevant at the present time, with schools closed and parents being asked to supervise schoolwork at home. This article “I was homeschooled for eight years: here’s what I recommend” written by Mordechai Levy-Eichel resonates with me.
The author was himself home-schooled for eight years. I hope that you might find it useful and enjoy it too.
I have summarised some of the points below:
It takes time to get the schedules right (the first 2-3 schedules tend to be too ambitious leading to frustration and failure).
Finding out what doesn’t work, can be a prerequisite to learning what does work.
In order to engage your children in their education, you need to talk to them to find out what they want. This may mean allowing them some choice about the books they want to read.
In Maths it may mean worrying less about the mechanics and repetition and replace it with a discussion about the language of Mathematical concepts.
Remember there is no such thing as the perfect workbook or program. Your children learn most from how you interact with them personally and through the environment you provide: the books in the home, what you talk about at dinner time etc.