Primary School Age

(Age approximately 5 - 10)

When a child moves to primary school, for some it will be their first experience of leaving the home environment every day. For others, it will be a continuation of nursery class. For most children there  will be a sense of occasion, the need to wear a uniform, and take on a new aspect of their identity.

While this is exciting it also has challenges. Every child’s development along different lines will be unique to them.

Some children may feel cognitively challenged while others may find learning to co-operate with peers, the most challenging aspect.

When children feel overwhelmed we often see it in regressive behaviour. The types of difficulties you may want help with include:

  • Lack of impulse control / tantrums.

  • A lack of empathy leading to problems in keeping friends.

  • Difficulty with a bedtime routine / night terrors.

  • Toileting problems.

  • Problems with food.

Often with this age range I initially offer sessions to both parent and child, until the child feels safe enough to have individual sessions.